Do stops for changing planes in China negate the 144hr TWOV requirements for US -> SHA -> TPE -> US?
My relative is looking at this Xiamen Airlines itinerary below as it's cheaper for their family of 5 to visit two countries this summer. However, they don't know if it will nullify the 144hr visa since they will have to change planes multiple times within China on this Xiamen Airlines to TPE and back to US. They don't mind the extra stop in Xiamen on way back home to USA as they can rest and do a 1/2 day tour of Xiamen during that overnight layover.
Day 1 is USA --> Shanghai (1 stop to change planes in Shenzen for 2hr 30min in between flights)
Day 7 is Shanghai --> Taipei (1 stop to change planes in Fuzhou for 1hr 55min in between flights)
Day 11 is Taipei -- > USA (2 stops to change planes: 1st stop in Xiamen for 22hr 45min in between flights, 2nd stop in Shenzen for 15hr 25min in between flights)
It seems like they should still qualify for 114hr in Shanghai and on trip back but thought I'd ask for them to be sure.
A. Is their family eligible for 144hr visa free stay in Shanghai?
B. Is their family eligible for overnight visa free stay in Xiamen on return flight from TPE to USA since they'll do the 144hr in Shanghai?
C. Is there any visa free option in Shenzen for their 15hr overnight layover?