Asked by Nurul from Malaysia | Sep. 06, 2017 21:54
About:Shenzhen North Railway Station

Bao'an Internation Airport to Guangzhou South Station

I'll be arriving in Bao'an at 11.00am; what is the best time to take the bullet train (G1002, G2912, G6012) to Guangzhou South?
Is it only Shenzhen North Railway station provides bullet train to Guangzhou South?
Nurul, MYS.

Answers (4)
Answered by Kamil | Sep. 06, 2017 22:35
Usually it may take you about 1 hour to check out from the airport. To transfer from airport to North Station by subway, it may need around 1 hour. You also need about 1 to 1.5 hours for the ticket collection and boarding.

Except North Station, Futian station also offers bullet rides to GZ South. I think the 3 rides you mentioned should be around 7am, they cannot match your schedule. Or you will land in Shenzhen at 11pm and go for Guangzhou the next day?
Answered by Nurul from MYS | Sep. 06, 2017 23:16
Thanks Kamil for your feedback.
I see, means roughly i can only board the bullet train 3pm onwards to be safe.
Nope, i need to be in GZ on the same day of my arrival in Shenzhen :)
Is it oaky to purchase the bullet train tickets via counter or i should buy via online to avoid no train tickets (is it even possible for the tickets to be soldout)?
How far is Futian station from Bao'an airport?
As i'll be travelling alone with 2yrs baby, so would appreciate for assistance to ease the journey :)
Answered by Kairos from Mexico | Sep. 07, 2017 04:24
Usually the ticket availability should not be too bad, but it seems the tickets from Shenzhen North or Futian are indeed more popular then other rides. Maybe you can check the availability more often online. If they are limited, you can book online in advance.

To Futian, it takes about 40min by subway.
Answered by Nurul from Malaysia | Sep. 07, 2017 21:42
Thanks Kairos for your reply. I'll look up the tickets availability online then. :)
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