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Asked by KNC12553 | Apr. 23, 2017 15:49
About:China Culture

I am an ox born 6/3/85 and my husband is a rat born 6/11/84.

We have been having a tough time these last two years. He has cheated on me twice. He has been having a bad year, he lost his job position, he is being self-destructive. He has let a third person in and he has changed. Should we end this in divorce or will he wake up and realize what he is doing? I want to save our marriage for our family. Will he change? I also want to know how compatible we are?

Thank You!

Answers (4)
Answered by Phil from Mexico | Apr. 27, 2017 04:22
Dear, feel sorry for what you encountered. If you want to save the marriage for your family, you can have a try, but no one can assure that if he will change after that. I can only say good luck to you.
Based on the zodiac love compatibility, you two can make a perfect match, but life is full of changes. No one can assure what the future will be. Seize the moment and live for now.
Answered by Knc12553 from Usa | Apr. 27, 2017 21:17
Thank you Phil! We are currently going through separation. I didn't want to give up because of our children. However, my husband is a change man. You are right, we were compatible at one time however his job has changed him into a horrible person. I do not know what the future holds, however thank you for the advice! I will seize the day!
Answered by Lucia from USA | May. 05, 2017 16:26
YOU GO GIRL! I can't believe that, that happened to you! I truly hope that you have a good time with the family. Also, I truly believe you did the right thing, even if it may have hurt you a little bit. Hope that the decision really proves to be the right one. Even though I'm a stranger you've never met, I wish you the best of luck! Good bye!
Answered by KNC12554 from USA | May. 07, 2017 12:23
Thank you Lucia! Thank you for the encouraging words! I hope I have made the right decision as well. It has been a long and hard road, I hope it becomes easier as time goes by. Thanks again!
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