Answered by Peter from Australia | Apr. 17, 2017 05:28
Transiting Uranus is still in your 2nd House of money and Possessions, therefore you may be in this financial situation for some years to come. The fact that your wife also doesn’t help, as she has her opposite year this year. Your son will have his opposite year next year. My advice to you: do not despair. Seeing that you were born in the year of the Metal Rat, metal stands to benefit form Earth years, which are due next year and year after that. Although I must admit that at the moment it seems you have no way out, you should trust your lucky stars, and wait for your luck to materialize. As it stands now, Saturn transits over your natal Jupiter, and it puts your luck in order. You didn’t mention how old is your son. I suspect he is 17 year old, so he could help his family by getting a job. If I understood it right, and he is 17, then the next two years will be beneficial to him as well. You will be able to find a job, although it may not be exactly what you wanted. I wish the best of luck to all of you.