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Asked by Pratik from India | Aug. 26, 2016 00:46
About:China Private Visit Visa

Applying for a Z and an S visa together

I am from India and I will be applying for a Z type once I receive the required documents from my employer based in China. I have a question regarding applying for an S type for my wife. I checked the requirements above and I see one of the requirement as "4. A photocopy of the inviting individual's passport and residence permit". Now as far as I understand, I will get the work permit and an invitation letter from my employer right now. I will then have to go to China and convert my Z type into a residence permit. Does that mean I cannot apply for an S type for my wife now with my Z type? Do I have to send a copy of the residence permit once I am in China to my wife here in India and ask her to apply for her S type? That means we can't travel together to China. Kindly help me out if I am missing anything here.

Thanks in advance,

Answers (1)
Answered by Caroline from Denmark | Aug. 26, 2016 04:18
Pratik, you can apply for the work Z type and S type together and then travel to PRC together.
You can provide the copy of your passport and work permit for your wife’s application. In this case, copy of residence permit is not needed.

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