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Asked by JAM from Australia | Jul. 11, 2016 03:43
About:Changsha Railway Station

Crossing to hong kong island by car

I am arriving on Sunday late afternoon, like 6pm, to the airport and am on a business trip. I would normally have a car pick me up from the airport but in the last few years have noticed very bad traffic in and out of the harbor tunnels. Is it better to take the train to the airport express station on the island and then a taxi or are the tunnel crossings not so bad. I will be tired and prefer a car but don't want to be stuck in traffic for a long time ! Thanks.

Answers (1)
Answered by Amanda from United Kingdom | Jul. 11, 2016 04:01
Just as your mentioned, pick-up service sometimes is only an efficient way. If you don't have many luggages, it is best to take the airport express first and then change to a taxi to your destination.

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