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Asked by NTHDEG1 | May. 05, 2016 22:19
About:Chinese Embassies and Consulates

M Visa to Z Visa

I am currently a M Type holder multiple entry's 60 day limit. I work for an American company and I am being paid out of the American branch. However I am in China helping out the China branch but yet still being paid out of the American side. I am a business traveler that comes and goes a lot. usally not staying for more than 25 days at a time. However I have been told that I need to get a Z type because I plan on being in China for more than 90 days in a calendar year. (even though I am always out before my M type 60 days expires.)
I plan on coming back and forth and have a total of 170 to 180 days in China. But don't want to give up my M type. What should I do?

Answers (1)
Answered by Tyler from Australia | May. 06, 2016 04:22
Hello there! If you get a work Z type, the business M type will be voided. You cannot hold both of them at the same time.
Actually, when you get a work Z type, you will get the temporary residence permit which allows you to exit and re-enter PRC for many times. So don’t worry! You can just convert your M type to work Z type.

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