Cancellation of Residence Permit
I’m currently employed on a ‘Z working visa’ with a 'Foreign Experts Certificate' (FEC) and 'Residence Permit' (RP) valid until 17 July 2016. However I have just got a new job, which no longer requires the FEC. Due to the nature of my new role they are unable to transfer the ‘Z working type’, so I have to leave China, apply for a new 'Z working type' and then return.
My current employer has stated that they need my passport to cancel my FEC and ‘shorten the validity’ of my RP. I have read a lot of different information and I’m wondering once my current RP is cancelled, how long will I have to leave PRC? Some places state that once a RP has been cancelled you can stay for 10 days – and you’ll be converted onto an ‘L type’ or ‘stay permit’, but I’m not sure if this is still correct?
Also do I need to go with a representative of my current employer to the Public Security Bureau in order to arrange the 10 day stay?
In addition my current employer, have also stated that the cancellation process will take between 5 and 7 working days, is this correct?
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.