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Asked by Prayoon from Thailand | Jan. 03, 2016 20:00
About:Embassy of D. R. Congo in China

Visa application for Thai citizen to DRC

Hi, I am from Thailand and I plan to go to DRC first week of Feb.
I understand that I have to apply for the DRC entry permit in Beijing so I plan to go to Beijing next week.
- My questions are how many days it takes to get the tourist entry permit if all the required documents are submitted?
- What is the cost (how much) for the tourist entry permit - for single and multiple entries and
- what documents required for the tourist entry permit aside from valid passport and photos

Your prompt reply is much appreciated.
Thank you

Answers (1)
Answered by Lucy from China | Jan. 03, 2016 21:59
(1) Prayoon, it usually takes 4 working days for the whole process.
(2) As for the fees, you can know about it from the embassy in PRC. Here is the hot line: 0086-10-65323224, 65321621
(3) Other required documents may include the application form, air tickets booking record (round trip) and proof of a hotel reservation.

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