Can I apply for a Z visa in the Philippines where I have been living for 4 years?
I am a Canadian citizen living in the Philippines since 2012. I have not been back to Canada since 2012 living exclusively in the Philippines and having no residence or bank accounts in Canada. I work in the offshore oil & gas industry for major oil companies.
I was told by the embassy that all I need is a Letter of Invitation as long as it was addressed to Manila and a work permit generated from the firm employing me. All other visa's for all other countries including Russia I have done out of Manila
But I am not convinced after reading all these posts on the internet.
I also have all these documents:
National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance from the Philippines Government.
Philippines issued Driver’s License.
residential lease contracts since 2011 in the Philippines.
statement letter from my bank in the Philippines stating my average balance since the last 6 months.
new passport issued out of Manila.