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Asked by Fely from USA | Oct. 15, 2015 21:05
About:Top 8 Reasons Why Your China Visa Gets Rejected

Side trip to Beijing on return to the US

I live in NY, to visit MNL w change plane in G-Guangzhou. On my return 11/24, I decided to sight-see in B-Beijing. I wasn't aware of 72 hr, return leg, arr via G 11:30A, w/ change plane, to B, there 16:05 pmTues. I know at 0001Wed, starts D1, thus 72h ends 23:59Fri. My return US tkt leaves Beijing at 20:30Sat, back to G , then to NY. my Q: do I need Transit Visa G, or may I just go back to the AP 1da earlier, to wait inside for dep time? Is that allowed? It simplifies my life: no 1-da shorter-stay new tkt penalty, fr online travel agency, & airline re-tkt'ing, G or L fees w lots of support docs. Q: do I need to show immig. Hotel billet if on 72-h or transit permit?

Answers (2)
Answered by Mia from Austria | Oct. 17, 2015 04:05
Because you transit in two Chinese cities (Beijing and Guangzhou), you are not qualified for 72 hours free transit. If your case, you'd better apply for a L or G type in advance. For G type, you just need to provide your air tickets, passport, application form and a passport photo. For L type, you need to provide air ticket and hotel booking apart from other basic documents (passport, form and photo).
Answered by Fely from USA | Oct. 17, 2015 09:46
Thanks so much . I called up the airline yesterday & after a 20-min hold , the staff said I need an L tourist type which they want to see before even leaving NY bec of my package Round trip tkt. I'll apply for one from the city consulate . My advantage is that being a dual citizen , my Phil passport charge is only $30, vs US ( $140), which is on its website. If I were w/in the 72-hr free transit though, & using only 1 airport there, US citizen qualifies, but not Phil. He said I can use any to my advantage. Thanks again , I'm now reading on impt preferred sights I can squeeze to see in 3 1/2 da in Beijing only . 'Need more days next time , w other cities to see too.

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