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Asked by Lauren from Australia | May. 30, 2015 21:46
About:Chinese Embassy in Vietnam

Validity for Chinese tourist type

I have read that 30 day single entry Chinese tourist visas issued in Hanoi are only valid for 30 days as opposed to the typical 90 day validity. Can anyone confirm whether this is the case?

Australian passport holder

Answers (2)
Answered by Nancy from France | May. 31, 2015 04:02
Lauren, I'd like to clarify this to you. People say the single entry tourist type is only valid for 30 days, whch is not correct actually. In fact, it is often valid for three months, but with it you are allowed to stay in China for one month only. The validity and the allowed duration are not the same while many people are apt to confuse the two issues.
Answered by Lauren from Australia | May. 31, 2015 05:04
Thanks Nancy. I just got a response from someone who applied for the visa in Hanoi and confirmed it was only valid for one month from date of application with a 30 day stay granted in China. This is where it gets confusing. It appears Hanoi have their own rules and everyone is only given a 30 day validity period

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