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Asked by Mark from USA | Dec. 14, 2014 01:00
About:China Tourist Visa

Applying for a tourist visa while already in China?

I am currently in China on a legal Z type. It will expire in a month, and I don't want to renew it. However, I would like to spend a month traveling in China before returning home. Is it possible to apply for a L type to have an additional month of travel in China before my current Z expires, or will I have to return home to apply? (In that case, it's not worth it) Thanks.

Answers (1)
Answered by Dick from Indonesia | Dec. 14, 2014 02:04
Mark, I think you can give it a try from local entry and exit management bureau or department. If they told you "No, you can't apply without leaving China", then you may try to go to HK to apply one. It says that many foreigners applied successfully in HK though the regulations require that the applicants are required to provide their HK resident status.

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