Asked by Ramshad(from mobile) from sri langa | Dec. 09, 2014 18:33
About:China Train
can I buy advance train ticket in railway station?
Answers (3)
Answered by Stella
Dec. 09, 2014 20:04
yes, you can buy the ticket in advance from the railway station. They sale ticket 58 days in advance.
Answered by iphone user
Dec. 14, 2014 20:20
hi I went to buy advance ticket in nanjing railway stations but they said I can buy a ticket 4 days advance only, is not 58 days advance?
Answered by Iris
Dec. 14, 2014 21:07
According to the policy it should be 58 days, but the railway sttaion may adjust the date according there arrangement. You can try to find a ticket office. They would be work for the 58 days policy.