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Asked by Einar J. Ronæs from Norway | Aug. 13, 2014 15:54
About:Chinese Embassy in Norway

Investigating possible Visa for work in China

I have now a job on hand for a Foreign Company to work on a 4 year contract at a Yard site in China .
The job is 12 weeks on site and 2 weeks travelling home or off work.

My Challenge is age. Being experienced and 63 years of age is no problem for work in Norway.. but I understand China has an age limit 24 - 65 years. Normally the line is drawn at 60 ??

If I enter a job in China and Apply for Visa to work there ...will it be granted (approved) if the Employer gives it letter to document that I work for a Company at a spesific work Site in China.

Is this a Challenge or is it possible for me..
Being very interested in Chinese culture and tradition and fascinated by the Country.. I really has an urge to learn more about China by working there.


Answers (1)
Answered by Burke from Australia | Aug. 13, 2014 20:46
The maximum age is 65 years old, according to the policy.

You are 63 years old, so it is still possible for you to obtain a work Z to come to China and then apply for a residence permit to work in China now. But after 65 years old, it is hard to tell. You need to communicate with your company and they will help you to solve the problem, I think.

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