Asked by Peggy from U.S.A. | Aug. 04, 2014 13:05

About:Huangshan Travel
We plan to hike in HuangShan. We need information about the best time to go, connections, hotels
We will be travelling on a 7-day tour which ends in Shanghai. We need to know how to get to our hike, where to stay when we get there (that is, before we hike, at the top, or at the bottom, or some combination of these), and when is the best time of year to go. Our plans can be as early as November 1st (2014), or April 7th (2015), or next fall in October 22, 2015.
We will need costs, directions, names of bus lines and hotels.
Can you help with any of this information, or refer me to someone who can help?
Thank you!