i am a scorpio rabbit and married to a scorpio dragon.
i am a scorpio rabbit and married to a scorpio dragon. we were childhood playmates for a couple of years then we separate after i moved to america at age 11 yrs old. we fell in love at age 24, she is 23. later i find out she has quick temper and irritable an somwhat an OCD with furniture and household items. she is understanding, forgiving, loving, hardworking, thoughtful... but temper is quick and very easily irritated or annoyed. we dont share anythin in common interests or passion except for watchin movies and travel. we dint communicate very well and ends up in fights a lot. we managed to be together for 14 yrs already. its very tiring fighting and making up. we love each other and thats the only thing holding us in place. dl u think we are happy and where are we headed? (we speak same language and have same asian nationality, but different religion).