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Asked by pascal from belgium | Jul. 09, 2014 06:16
About:Chinese Embassy in Belgium

visa for starting a business in HK

Dear Sir, Madam,
I am a Belgian citizen planning a visit to Hong Kong on august 11th.The goal for this visit is to start a sourcing business in HK, so NOT to do business YET, but just to start up the business and open a banc account.A few days later I would like to travel to Shanghai to visit the companies that I corresponded with already.A second thing is, I am training a person from Manila/Philippines to take care of my business when I will not be in the country. Taking care of my business meaning : traveling to the companies in Shangai and HK to do quality checking of the orders I will place at those companies.  Is that person allowed to join me on this visit to learn more about those companies?So, I am not sure if I need a visa for this or not, and if yes, which kind and what is the best way to apply for it?
.Thank you in advance for a quick responce,
Kind regards,

Answers (1)
Answered by Bector from Singapore | Jul. 10, 2014 02:12
The person is allowed to join you on this visit and both of you are suggested to apply M or F for entering Shanghai, but both of you do not need it for entering HK.
Both of you need to apply in your own countries and an invitiation letter is needed.
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