Contract Assignment for Manufcaturing in Shenyang?
Have been asked to consider a contract manufcatruing assignment in SY. I would be bringing my family with me and seems the Somerset is the best hotel for families. We home school and wonder if that is a problem for Americans coming to China? I will be brought in to teach and help improve the abilities of the people I would be working it. Are their social considerations someone from American should consider is being brought in to instruct and teach people in this area? I understand the saving of face in not doing public dressing downs and my presence there will be a Face for the company I would be at. Are their advices for eating as I pray over every meal and do not drink alcohol, smoke or other things that many Americans are known for throughout the world for doing. I have fit in very well in many European countries, Singapore as well as Malaysia. I understand China is different, but I am being sought after for my willing to wok and help others so think it will be a good fit. I would still like to have as much information as possible from anyone who lives there. Please share anything you think might be important to know to me and my families stay. We will be there 4 months of the next year spread out 1 month there 2 months home then a month there.