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Asked by naoufel from Algeria | Feb. 13, 2014 14:28
About:Learn Chinese Kung Fu

i m naoufel from Algeria in the north Africa i want to study kung fu in china. i am looking for how to and the cost ?

how long i can do it ? and how about language?,

Answers (2)
Answered by Rita from Malaysia | Feb. 14, 2014 00:35
Hi, you can go to the Kungfu schools near Shaolin Temple. They will have different classes with different periods. Of course, they will charge differently for the courses. Songshan Shaolin Temple Kungfu School is a good one. If needed, here is their contact 0371-62906336 for any consultation.

As I know, they use more body gestures to teach than language.
Answered by Middle Kingdom Martial Arts from China | Feb. 20, 2014 23:31
Hi Naoufel,

We have set up a project aimed at people like you, who would like to go to learn kungfu in China. There are a lot of schools all over the country so it pays to have a think about exactly what you want out of your training and what style of kungfu you would like to learn. You need to think about your budget as well. There are quite a few schools that charge between 5000 and 6000 USD for an entire year. There are plenty of more expensive schools as well, especially those located in Wudang and around the Shaolin Temple.

You can reach us by adding us on Skype. Our Skype ID is and an email to contact us through is|mkma

Learning kungfu in China is an absolutely awesome experience and it can be fairly scary to make the move initially, but once you're in China training with other people it quickly becomes a once in a lifetime experience.

Take care,


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