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Asked by b from USA | Feb. 05, 2014 23:21
About:Kunming Airport

Minimum transfer time in Kunming Airport

I had previously bought an international flight departing KM at 10:40am a month ago. I may be purchasing a domestic flight arriving in KM at 8:55am instead of taking a train to KM. As they are separate itineraries purchased from two different airlines, would they transfer my luggage all the way through to final destination? Also, would there be enough time for transfer from domestic to international hall with 1hr 45min?

Answers (2)
Answered by Linda from USA | Feb. 06, 2014 00:42
Personally, I don't think that your luggage will be transferred to your final destination. I think you should contact both your domestic and international airlines to confirm this. 1 hour and 45 minutes is not long.
Answered by b from USA | Feb. 06, 2014 17:47
I was thinking luggage would be an issue and <2hrs is too short in case of flight delays. I'll stick to the overnight train as that gives me 5 hours in Kunming to slowly make my way over to airport and catch my international flight. Thx.
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