Asked by Rosa E from USA | Feb. 04, 2014 16:47
About:Chinese Zodiac

I'm a rabbit n my husband is a pig. Compatibility?

Also, will conceiving a second child be a good idea this year? Thanks!

Answers (1)
Answered by Star from Canada | Feb. 04, 2014 20:49
Bunnies and pigs are a compatible match. During their life together, they will be caring and a good friend for each other. As for having a second child, I recommend you try from the second half of this year to first half of next year. It is suitable for both pigs and rabbits to have a sheep baby, and the year of sheep will be a good year of them. Meanwhile, pay good attention to your health. You and your partner may both have suffered a rough year last year in term of health. It is a good time for both of you to heal and prepare emotionally and physically. Good luck and take care!
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