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Asked by Hilary from Australia | Jan. 12, 2014 22:16
About:China Visa Entries / Validity / Duration of Stay

Cruising holiday to China- is this multiple entry - Australian citizens

We are cruising later this year and will be joining a cruise in Beijing after a 3 day stay there, and will then cruise to Dalian for a few hours and then onto Shanghai for 3 days, which may include an overnight stay at Xian rather than aboard the ship, then onto Japan. Will this count as multiple entries to China or one entry because we remain in the China sea and don't land anywhere "overseas" between the stops?
The cruise line are vague on this (they as US based so no doubt it costs the same for their visa no matter what) and I don't want to pay a agent just because the answer to a simple question seems quite hard to get s straight answer about.

Answers (1)
Answered by Steven from Canada | Jan. 14, 2014 21:21
Hi, a double entry is enough, one entry for Beijing, and the other for Shanghai. The Dalian and Xian trips are domestic so no entry is required for them.

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