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Asked by Courtney from USA | Jan. 06, 2014 17:39
About:China Customs Declaration

Textbooks with value less than 2000 Yuan but quantity exceeding 30, need to declare?

Hello, I will be bringing American: English, History, Science, and Math textbooks for primary school age students. There will be about 30-35 in total. The value of these items is less than 2000 yuan (I converted how much I paid for them in USD to RMB and got 1508 yuan). Will I have any issues bringing this number of books over with me? Should I declare them even though they are valued less than 2000 yuan?

I am not planning on bringing these books back with me when I leave China, they are for the children I will be working with and will be leaving them for the teacher who replaces me. I just don't want to run into any issues when I get China. Thank you so much.

Answers (1)
Answered by Liana from Philippines | Jan. 07, 2014 01:25
According to the regulations, a passenger is allowed to take in less than 10 same books once. As for your case, they are for different subjects and will be taken in for students. Just tell the customs your situation and you may be allowed to take them in. Don't forget declare them!

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