Answered by Ed from Canada | Aug. 12, 2013 07:19
I was asking similar question earlier. Have read your quoted para in email passed along online too. After some research, I think this para is only a statement posted by Canadian Govt to explain a story behind it: in 2003 Chinese govt would not issued it to Canadian passport holders born in Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan with birthplace shown the country code HKG, MAC or TWN (they wanted "China" instead of these 3 letter code). I assumed Canadian govt did not follow the same, instead, the newer passport issued after July 2003 would show just Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan (no more country code to avoid the conflict). Therefore this para only means it would not be issued to these 3 letter country code, and it does not mean it is not required for these passport holders. I assume the original sender of that email had misinterrepted the actual meaning of the posted para and I hope it won't turn into a rumor. Under new changes, if you join a less than 5 days tour in Hong Kong and visit cities in the Pearl River Delta (I think it includes Guangzhou), then you don't need one.