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Asked by Rony from Guatemala | Dec. 26, 2012 12:44
About:Chinese Embassy in Costa Rica

Visa for an American Passport and also a Guatemalan passport holder living in Guatemala

My name is Rony Tovar, I have an American Passport and am currently living in Guatemala and also have a Guatemalan passport. I am currently going to be hired by a Chinesse Language school to give English classes and the company wants to post or petition for me to get a working visa. What do i do to get one for 1 year?

Thank you very much

Answers (4)
Answered by Simon | Dec. 27, 2012 01:58
Hi, if you are now in Guatemala, you can submit your application to Chinese embassy in Costa Rica. Don't worry, to work in China, a single entry Z visa is enough. Because you are able to apply for a residence permit within 30 days after entry. The permit can be valid for 1 year or more and it can be extended based on your working contract.
Answered by Rony Tovar from Guatemala | Dec. 27, 2012 08:50
Thank you very much, So I must submit my application to Costa Rica? Do I have to send my passport to Costa Rica or do I have to stay in Costa Rica to pick it up?

My wife is Guatemalan and wants to also travel to china to study the language, Can she get a student visa? and for how long?
Answered by Rony Tovar from Guatemala | Dec. 27, 2012 10:29
How do get a z visa? The company that is going to hire me will send all the paper work that they have.

Now since i am in Guatemala, what do I do?

Thank you very much.
Answered by Benson | Dec. 28, 2012 02:54
If you can not go in person, you can send your applications to relatives or a travel agency. For student visa application, admission letter and JW202 form are required. So, your wife should contact the school for them frist. If you want to apply work Z, invitation letter and work permit from the company. You both can submit application at the same time.

The processing time needed at the embassy in Costa Rica is 4 working days.

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