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Asked by Ruta | Jul. 18, 2012 23:15
About:Chinese Embassy in Austria

visa for internation orcehstra

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would kindly ask you to help me with the following question:

we are international orchestra Kremerata Baltica, and we plan the trip to China (Oct 22~26, 2012) and Hong Kong (Oct.14~16), and Korea (Oct. 16~22).

Unfortunately we have very busy schedule before this trip, we are not staying in any place longer then couple of days. The only place where we could apply for working visa for China and Hong Kong would be Vienna.
We will have the concert in Austria (Eisenstadt) and will stay there Sep. 30 to Oct. 8

I am a manager of this orchestra and I have residence permit in Austria. All other musicians are not Austrians and don't have the permit.
(we have musicians from:
9 Latvia
12 Lithuania
3 Estonia
1 Russia
1 Ukraine)

Could you please let me know if there is any chance we could apply for the visa in following way: I myself would bring all passports with signed visa applications. I could also make a signed document from everyone allowing me apply for their visas if needed, and I would also pick it up myself.

is there a possibility to make such an exception to apply for visas without Austrian residence permit
would it be possible to make the whole procedure without our people coming to the embassy.

I would really appreciate if you could help me with these questions.

With best regards,

Ruta Lipinaityte, PhD
Kremerata Baltica
Office manager

Answers (1)
Answered by Alvin | Jul. 19, 2012 02:50
I read the latest news from Chinese embassy in Austria that the processing for visa application takes 5 working days at least and they suspend rush and express service from 5 July, 2012. It is no problem you can apply for a China visa there but for other members, they may not able to apply in Austria if they have no residence permit there. But as the trip plan above, you will be in HK before visiting China, so, you can apply China visa in HK through Office of the Ministry of China Foreign Affairs there, if possible, apply through a travel agency and use rush service for visa processing. So, now you just need to check if all of you need visa to HK from
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