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Asked by Ms.JIMINSZ | Jun. 08, 2012 09:18
About:China Visa

Need help in extending L visa in Shenzhen

I am an American citizen currently living in Shenzhen. I have been in China now since 2008 on an L visa.
In the past I have had no problems in obtaining another L visa by going to Hong Kong and using an agency.
I have done this 9 times. On my 10th try at obtaining another 6 month, M entry, 30 day stay, I had no luck.
I was only given a 1 Entry and a 10 day L visa. I really want to stay in China for a few more years if I can.
Has anyone else ever been in this situation and if so how did you handle it? Time is running out for me.

Answers (1)
Answered by Alvin | Jun. 09, 2012 03:33
Maybe it is time for you to apply back in US. Visa officers noticed that you did so many times visa application in HK. If you want to live more years in China, you may need to get a job and apply for a work visa. Later, you can live in China with a residence permit, whick is not required leaving during its validity.

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