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Asked by Helen from Australia | May. 14, 2012 19:32
About:China Visa Application Procedure and Fee

queries about applying for Chinese visa

I am travelling with Peregrine Adventure Tours in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan with a few days in Kashgar. This is the only entry into China. Do I need to send tour itenarary with application for Chinese visa?
Also if applying by mail, the payment authorisation form asks for credit card details. Should this be debit card details

Answers (1)
Answered by Melissa | May. 14, 2012 21:34
1.Yes, you are required to provide tour itinerary, including flight and hotel booking.
2. You should pay for the visa on collection in credit card.Personal cheque and banking card as means of payment are not accepted. So you should use credit card, not debit card.
3. To remind you,the embassy strongly recommends that you apply for visa in person or through someone else (namely your friends, relatives or travel agent) due to the long processing time and the likely risks of documents' safety if you send the application by mail. Only under special situations when you are unable to apply in person, can the embassy accept your mail-in visa application providing you are ACT, South Australia, North Territory residents and able to submit all the necessary materials at once.

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