Huangling country train station
11 May 2012
Dear miss Maria,
I have got the train ticket K446/K447 from Shenzhen to Xian 17 05 2012.
After Yanan and Hukou waterfall, I will visit Huangdi Mausoleum.
Please give me your opinion :
1. I go by train 4911 departures from Yanan 8.30 - arriving Huangling country station 10.20.
2. Is the Huangling country train station just at Huangling country ?, or a little distance form Huangling country ? And are there any hotels by the side of Huangling country train station ?
3. When I arrive at Huangling station, I firstly find an hotel. Then I go by taxi to Huangdi Mausoleum for half day.
4. I will go to Xian by same train of 4911, departues from Huangling station 10.20 next day.
( If Huangling train station is just at Huangling country ( Huangling town ) would be very good. Otherwise, if it is a lettle distance from Huangling country ( Huangling town ), I book an hotel by the side of Huangling country train station ( if it is available there ), then by taxi to Huangdi Maosoleum. then by taxi back to hotel to stay one night. )
Do you think it is workable ?
Best regards.
Lam Hon Kin
(|lamhonkin )