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Asked by lela from Serbia | Feb. 28, 2012 00:06
About:Chinese Embassy in Japan

applying for chinese visa

I am a Serbian citizen currently living in China, holding F visa. The last time I got the visa outside China was 2009. Since Chinese government changed the regulations, I have to leave the country and apply for visa, outside China. I am coming to visit my friends in Tokyo, and I was wondering if I can apply for new visa in Chinese embassy there. I am not a resident in Japan, I am just a tourist. I do however have a resident card in Beijing and house renting contract. Please let me know if I can apply for a new F visa in Tokyo, and if you can issue it the same day ( apply in the morning, and collect it in the afternoon)
Thanks for your help

Answers (1)
Answered by Steve | Feb. 29, 2012 03:38
Is your resident card of Beijing still valid? You can use the resident card to enter and exit China for unlimited times within the validity.
If you do need to apply for a new visa in Japan, it also works. China Embassy in Tokyo provides the same day express service for applicants, but you have to pay an additional fee of 3,000 Japanese yens.

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