a swedish citizen asking for a visa to mighty China
Dear Sir the embassader of china in Turkey
It is a great honor for me to have this opportunity to write to you, asking your high and mighty authority a permation to issue a tourist visa for a humbale person like me who have had held a great respect and love to the chinese people and their interesting and fertile heritage of profund long history. I did not have the chance to visit great China and live its golden age of commenist China, so, I will never drop out the revived hope of visiting China to see its industrial revolution that will led to more peaceful world.
I have a swedish nationality and a swedish passport that has been issued in 2003 . I could not applied to the chinese visa from Sweden because i left in a hurried way Sweden in 14 of June 2011 to be near to my father who lived in Iraq as he got Cancer. After his death about more than two month ago I took control of must of our trading business.
The security conditions in Iraq, espacially in Bagdad is woresen every day, i felt that it is more save for my to skip visiting Bagdad to applye for chinese visa.
Is that possible for mig to apply for China visa here in Turkey, because I'm visiting Istanbul to export some prodect to Iraq.
I hope I will get some answers that help me to visit your interested and mighty country.
Yours fiathfully
Nofel Kalil
Swedish Passport
Date of issue ; 2003 03 28
Expiration date: 2013 03 28