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Asked by OI | Oct. 17, 2011 21:12
About:Lugu Lake

Any hints as to where to start the hike to the real mosuo villages?

you didn't mention, that the mosuo living on the lakeside aren't really living the mosuo culture anymore, and they just act fo the tourists (many of the girls not even from the mosuo minority dress up as mosuo and sell their bodies to tourists who believe walking marriage = promiscuity). From what I read, to get to see the real mosuo you need to go into the mountains. Any hints as to where to start the hike to the real mosuo villages?

Answers (2)
Answered by cindy | Oct. 18, 2011 01:50
Yes, I heard that too. As I know, you need a local guide and hike for 1-2 days into the moutain from Lugu Lake.
Answered by Jasmine | Oct. 18, 2011 21:29
落水村 (Luoshui Village beside the lake is commercial). 尼塞村 (Nisai Village) is a bit further and need to hike over a hill for one hour or so from Luoshui. In fact, it is similar, but less tourist and commercial. In low season, you can go into the villager's home. A few hours walking from Nisai into the mountains, there are real mosuo villages there.But transportation is a problem. You may takes a long time to wait for local bus, or perhaps no bus. Take motor bike and you will find the fare is very expensive.

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