Hi, I am from Nepal and my cast is Gurung. We 'Gurung' have almost the exact 12 sign Zodiac as Chinese but difference is that we have
'Cow' instead of 'Ox',
'Cat' instead of 'Rabbit',
'Eagle' instead of 'Dragon,
'Bird' instead of 'Rooster',
'Deer' instead of 'Pig'
and others are all same.
I was born in the year of 1982 (Dog). In Chinese Zodiac, Dogs have best match with Tiger, I wonder how do they really match? because in our zodiac, when we match Dog and Tiger in reality, Tiger will eat Dog without any doubt, so we think that they really do Not match.
And how come Dogs don't match with Sheep and Ox (Cow as in our zodiac)? If we keep Dog, Sheep and Ox (Cow) together, they don't fight each other, they are more likely to be friends. This is because in the villages, these animals have been staying together with kind and caring for long time and they will always be very loyal to each other, but I do not understand why in the Chinese zodiac, Dogs do not match with Sheep and Ox (Cow, and also 'rooster' (Bird'?
In the subject of marriage, Some say that 5/7/9 years age gap (the odds) do not really go well and some say 4/6/8 years age gap (the evens) do not really go well. Which one does Chinese Zodiac go with? which one is the true?
Is 2011 good year for the marriage for the Dog sign?
With which zodiac is the most suitable that Dog has to go for?
what should be the age differences?
Does it go better with love marriage or arranged marriage?
what about the career, business and financial stuff?
and the 2012?
I still do not believe all these things like if we match our zodiac, it'd be good for the future because it's all really different. However, it's all for the hope of my family. It'd be nice if answered all in detail. Thank you.