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Asked by Mr.Samuel Hertz from USA | Jan. 19, 2011 15:22
About:Chinese Embassy in U.S.A.

Hi Everyone,

This is a simple question.. Hopefully!

I'm taking a semester of mandarin at a university in Shanghai, I had my friend take my visa application (passport, paperwork) to the San Francisco consulate. My application I checked that I wanted a multi entry valid for 6 months, and my longest intended stay for 165 days- which I counted from the first day I arrive until the end of class. The consulate stated this wasn't possible I would only be given a double entry for 6 months. I would like to travel down to HK and Thailand, so the double entry doesn't work for me. If I change the duration of stay to 60 days wouldnt that entitle me to get a multi entry for 6 months? Wouldn't this mean I would have to leave the country every 60 days? My school told me that I could only get an F visa, since the semester is less than 6 months.

Thank you,

Answers (2)
Answered by Mr.JOHNNASH from United States | Jan. 20, 2011 01:22
Mr.Samuel Hertz, it's true that you can only get an F visa because the semester is less than 6 months. If you change the duration of stay to 60 days, it is possible for you to get a multiple entry visa for 6 months, but you have to leave Mainland China every 60 days.

If you only get a 6 months double-entry visa, you can go to HK and Thailand together during the semester, then return to Mainland China, it is Ok.
Answered by Mr.SAMUELHERTZ from United States | Jan. 25, 2011 00:49
Thank you very much! I followed your instructions and now have a 6 month L Visa. Thank you again

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