Hi! I am currently a senior at a university in the US. After May I will graduate but I still need one more class to receive my diploma. That ONE class I need ends on August 11,2011 and I'm trying to teach in China starting in September 2011. I know you have to have a working visa to teach but I won't be able to send my official transcript to immigration until my class is over. And then I heard it takes like 5 weeks to process. I was wondering if they would approve me if I sent my official transcript over after my last semester ended saying I finished all the requirements except the one class. I would also get my adviser to send a letter too. If that doesn't work I'll for sure be finished on August 11th but then it will take 5-6 weeks to process my working visa and by that time the school I want to work at will already be in progress. Does anyone know if immigration ever makes exceptions? Thanks!