Hi there,
We are in HK and shenzhen in December 2010 , during the christmas week. Wanted advice/suggestions on the following points:
1. what form of transport should I consider with luggage from Wanchai hotel to Disneyland?
2.As the fireworks in Disney get over by 10 pm, what form of transport should I take to go to shenzhen; please give choices for bus and taxi only.
3. If I consider taxi from disneyland after the fireworks to shenzhen, how much should I pay for the taxi and are there fixed rates or rules??
4. When I come back into HK on the 26th december from shenzhen, where I can I leave my luggage in storage(options) as my flight back to India is only late in the night. I do not have any hotel booking for that day....please advise on luggage storage
Thanks for help!