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Asked by Mr.CRUSADER20021 from United States | Oct. 25, 2010 15:57
About:Chinese Embassy in U.S.A.

hi i have a DWI and because of it i could not get into canada now if i wanted to work in china as an english teacher would the same thing happen plus i wanted to know if i only had a GED for education could i find a teaching position in a major city or is that reserved for people with a bachelor's degree i am currently studying mandarin and i plan on getting certified at oxford seminars for tesl

Answers (2)
Answered by Ms.MILES from China | Oct. 26, 2010 03:07
Teaching in China now requires a bachelor's degree and at least 3 years teaching experience. This rgulation is strict since more and more foreigners come to China. But for DWI, it is not a problem if you want to visit China.
Answered by Ms.T from USA | Oct. 30, 2010 14:58
I recently returned after 8 years teaching in English...and no, a GED will not get you work. Most places require a BA degree. There is a possibility in getting some small jobs after you get there, but it is touchy, and to get a working visa you must qualify and have the job before you go. Teaching without the Z visa is possible, but I wouldn't want to get caught doing it. China considers visa violations quite seriously and unlike the U.S., illegal aliens (working on a non-working visa, et al) can get you deported right off the the best, or prison at the worse. China has made examples of many. They are not to be trifled with and let you know. I have seen people deported (taken away) when they went to get their visa's renewed. You would be foolish to try.

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