Alright, I taught English in Korea for 1 year and then left Korea and went to Japan on the last day of my teaching contract to honor my visa requirements of leaving after one year (at which point they confiscated my ARC). I then returned to Korea on a tourist visa to live and wait to begin an internship in Shanghai. I will be applying for a 3 month multiple entry F (business) visa with the longest stay of 90 days, and I have an invitation letter from the internship company. Do I still not qualify for a visa application, since I don't have an ARC anymore, despite my valid invitation to come to China and do an internship at an international bank?
Please tell me this isn't true... because then I'll have to leave Korea to find another Chinese embassy where I can get this accomplished... Anyone have any suggestions as to which other embassies don't have this crazy rule? Japan? Philippines? Russia?