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Asked by Ms.ROBRODJR from United States | Sep. 14, 2010 16:53
About:Chinese Consulates in South Korea

A follow up to the L visa question. I would like to work with a Busan travel agency to help me get the visa. Questions; what do I bring to the travel agency (money? documents, passport sized photos etc.), do all the agencies have English speakers? If not which ones do? Also are the travel agencies open on Saturdays? Thanks for the help.

Answers (1)
Answered by Ms.MILES from China | Sep. 14, 2010 21:51
Don't worry, travel agencies all have English speakers and they possibly work on holidays, so, don't worry. The requirements you need bring to them are as follows:
1. Your ARC (the original and copy);
2. An application form for PRC (In this form you should fill in your live address and contact number);
3. One passport photo;
4. Your passport valid at least 6 months with enough blank visa pages.

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