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Asked by Mr.Jose Baylon from Philippines | Sep. 06, 2010 22:46
About:Tickets of Shanghai Expo

Sorry but I have a number of related questions. My family will be in Shanghai on 25-30 October. I understand this would be peak days at Shanghai Expo.

1. Will tickets be still available at the gates?
2. Can we still buy 3 day tickets?
3. Can we buy Shanghai Expo tickets online?
4. Is there a way to buy tickets here in my country?
5. Would you know which travel agencies are selling tickets in the Philippines. I tried contacting the Chinese embassy/consulate but no one's answering the phone.
6. Are expo tickets available, say in Guangdong? (I can try asking an acquaintance to buy for me there.)

Desperately need reliable answers. Please advise. Thanks.

Answers (1)
Answered by Mr.David | Sep. 07, 2010 04:04
1. You can not buy ticket at the gates at that time.
2. You can not buy three day tickets.
3. You can buy Shanghai Expo ticket online now.
4. You can buy tickets online through the Overseas Appointed Ticket Agents on the Expo official website.
5. There seems no travel angent selling tickets in Philippines.
6.Yeah, you can ask your acquaintance to buy ticket in Guangdong for you, but I am afraid that the tickets for that peak time may be sold out. You'd better tele to confirm this.

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