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Asked by Mr.Yasser from Egypt | Aug. 07, 2010 21:22
About:Chinese Embassy in U.S.A.

I have been an English teacher in china for more than 5 years, i used to have z working visa during those last years, but now my employer made a mistake and changed my z visa to L visa for only on month, i still have one week left in this L visa, they asked me to go to Hong Kong for applying for z visa and get back to china again, the question is:
1- what are the nationalities which not allowed to get z visa to china from Hong Kong? is Egypt one of them?
2- How many days should be there in my L visa when i apply for z visa in Hong Kong.
3- In which case they refuse to give me a z visa in Hong Kong?
please help
thank you

Thank you

Answers (3)
Answered by Mrs.Mia from China | Aug. 08, 2010 03:34
Mr.Yasser, there is no exact a countries' list on such a case. Personally, I think you can apply for a new Z visa there in HK.
Answered by Mr.Arman from China | Sep. 06, 2010 21:56
Yasser. i dont think this is problem for you. atleast you have being to Hong Kong several times for your application, and would advice you to be deligent and honest in your teaching job in china.
Your school never made a mistake and beside, they need well honest and well behave english teacher in china, Respect the chinese culture.
You need to go back and re-enrol for information data.
Answered by Mr.Yasser from Egypt | Sep. 07, 2010 09:45
Mr Arman
Thanks for your reply, i came back from hong kong with Z visa and my school extended it to residence permit
I don't know why you doubt about my honesty!! it was true that the girl who is in charge of the visa issues in the school has no experience as she is new in this job, besides she was on a holiday when my visa expired , so i have paid a fine to the police and extended my visa to L visa for a month then i went to hk to get the z visa..
u said i have been to hk many times to apply for my formal visas, that's not true, it was only once, then it changes to residence permit in mainland china..
I hope i was dishonest as you named me!! at least i wouldn't have got into many troubles in my life for my honesty..
Thanks all the same

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