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Asked by Ms.Li from USA | Jun. 06, 2010 22:32
About:Hainan Travel

I'm Hainanese, and today my brother was working on his family tree for school. How interesting to found that there are so many Hainan people from different country and most of us probably found each other through searching, and trying to find out a little more about our ancestors. I don't know if it will help some people here, my father have a book of our ancestors of 20 generation but is mostly for the Lee families that was in Hainan. As per my father even though our trees of 20 generation was in Hainan, we were told that our ancestors were originally from Fu Jing and our great great.... grandfather came to Hainan as a person that fix woks hahaha as per my grandmother.

Answers (7)
Answered by Mrs.Solomons from Germany | Jun. 16, 2010 16:21
I heard people talk about the native indian people of China in the south. Are these the people of Hainan? Were they great seasailing warriors?
Answered by Mr.TC Zhou from Singapore | Jun. 30, 2010 09:36
Majority of the population on the Hainan Island are Han Chinese, many of them have their root traced to the southern provinces of mainland China. There are also minority communities in Hainan with the Li and Miao being the larger of the lot.

Strangely you can find people with different face feature on the southeen part of the island around Sanya area. Many of them are muslim and are the decendants of Arab seafarers.
Answered by Ms.J. Lee from Canada | Nov. 13, 2010 01:39
Hello Ms. Li
Your book on the Li/Lee ancestral tree is most interesting. I wonder if you can let me know how and where to source out my relatives on Hainan Island on my father's side of the Lee family. As a child, I remembered my dad mentioned that my grandfather was in the wine business somewhere on the Hainan Island.According to my father, he left the Hainan Island with his uncles on a ship to Malaysia when he was in his early teens. Any help would be appreciated... just to want to find my roots. tks. Jenny
Answered by Mr.VIGORHE from China | Nov. 14, 2010 19:03
Dear Ms.Lee,
Can you find out the village name,and county name of your ancestors'in Hainan? I can locate your ancestral village.
May you have peace...
Jehovah God bless you
Vigor He
Answered by sue lyn from Malaysia | Jun. 03, 2014 02:08
Hi I'm hainanese too and my cousin brother who is existing his first child is trying to find out the generation name of Lee. Would you be able to show me the document your father had on this? Do you have the document of the generation names?

Many thanks
Answered by Dary from Netherlands | Jun. 16, 2015 07:23
My great grandfather is from Hainan. His name is Li Xui Yi! And i am looking on the internet for his ancestors. But is hard to find
Answered by Gershwin Lee from Aruba | Feb. 01, 2016 16:27
Hi Dary from the Netherlands. My grandfather is also from Hainan and his Name was Li Xiu Yi I think. His name was changed when he came to Aruba and is stated as Lee Zue Yek. But in another document we have of him it is stated as Li Xiu Yi. I know he was a sailor and was in the Netherlands before coming to Aruba. We suspect he had children in the Netherlands before he left.

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