My partner is Cabin Crew for an airline based out of London, although we both live in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
She has a trip coming up on her roster to Shanghai in June 2010 and I was going to go on the trip with her as its only a 4 day trip.
Q.1. Can I apply for a Chinese Visa from the Embassy in Dublin even though I live in Northern Ireland and have a UK Passport?
Q.2. Can I travel down to Dublin and get a visa on the same day? If so how much will this cost?
Q.3. I noticed in another comment that people were asked to bring their 2 way ticket with them, is this the case? Normally when I go on a trip with her its on a "standby" ticket as the trips are so short, only 3-4 days at the most.
Your help and advices would be greatly appreciated.