Sad. Can you imagine how narcissistic, how self-centered and cruel one man must have been to force all those slaves (conscripts and prisoners) to work until one died building this huge monstrosity as a monument to oneself?! It is repugnant. I thought the ancient Egyptians were shallow and cruel, but it seems as if these ancient Chinese have surpassed their incredible ego and vicious treatment of one's fellow man. No wonder the peasants revolted. How could one possibly respect a leader that spent this much time, money, resources, sweat and blood building this huge monument to his own ego? Talk about compensating for something! Can you imagine if the emperor would have lived, sired a replacement (that then ruled) and this practice would have continued for generations? The people wouldn't have survived, wasting countless thousands of man hours on this testament to one man's vanity. How one person - at any time in history - could have been so selfish and vain that they believed they deserved this, is frankly beyond my comprehension. I'm sure the Chinese will get lots of tourists and visitors to the museum they build on this site, but it is a monument of shame and disgust built on the broken backs of slaves. The single most useless exercise of cruelty and vanity in human history.