Dear Mr Ambassador,
Its with much honour and respect that I write to you this letter of inquiry. I am a Cameroonian student currently studying for a Masters Degree in Marine Affairs, Xiamen University, Fujian Province-China. I enrolled in September 2009. I am a Chinese Government Scholartship student, and am very honoured, and thankful to the Chinese Governmenent for such a wonderful life time opportunity.
However, Sir, The scholarship allowance I am receiving cannot permit me meet most of my needs. With the approaching winter, I need extra money to buy some warm clothing and other needs.
Sir, I wish to request for an additional allowance from my Government, through the embassy, to permit improve my living conditions here.
While waiting for a reply Sir, I remain yours Faithfully, Anthony Banyouko Ndah.
N.B My contact Email address is :|tony_banyouko