Dear sir/madam
I am so sorry to ask you again
Every people of world know that china become a great devoloped country both economically and technologically and etc...And its government is helping for developing country to satisfy thier developement in education , infrastracture,telocominication etc.so I appreciate and love this from the bottom of my heart.And I am graduated advance diploma in Electricity during 2007 with good marks and need to go to china and take first degree(B.eng) in Electrical/computer Engineering full free scholarship for 2010/11. I select china cause I love it. tell me if you have for 2010/11 and could you send me the application form?,is china embassy giving now? tell me everything/ full information how could I do?
I am really sory for what I have took your time
I need your quick answer and tell me when can I apply?.
Yours sincerely
Muuz gebremedhin , Ethiopia