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Asked by Mr.jhay from Philippines | Sep. 08, 2009 07:42
About:Embassy & Consulates of Philippines in China


i would like to ask something about my visa, because i go for an exit to mongolia and when i try to get visa from chinese embassy to go back to china but i didn't notice that they give me G visa and when the company whom i applied process my visa the PSB doesn't want to give me visa because my visa from mongolia was G visa and the company doen't know what does this mean because it's there first time to encounter this one...and we have been inform that mt visa means that we will just pass by china and go back to philippines so what advice can you give and what i'm gonna do because i will be expire tomorrow sept 9....i don't have enough money to go back to philippines or to go anywhere because what i thought is i will work again and i didn't know that G visa they gave me....

Answers (1)
Answered by Mr.Andrew | Sep. 08, 2009 20:10
I'm afraid you are not able to get any Chian visa, because the PSB requires you have at least 100 US dollars per day in your bank account during your stay in China when you applying for the visa.

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