The bathroom in my China apartment has 110V and 220V outlets. When I plugged in an electric shaver I brought back from my last America trip, it overheated and blew up in under a minute. The charger indicates 110V power compatibility. If I remember correctly, I might have plugged it into the 220V via an adapter, would that feed the full 220V into the 110V charger and account for the quick fry?
Does anyone know if it is safe to plug my new charger (this one indicating 120V) into a Philips power strip connected to 220V? Will the power strip downgrade the voltage automatically?
Also, another charger I have stopped working after a full year of perfect operation here. It indicates 120V-240V capability, and it inexplicably stopped working one day. Any ideas what might have caused this?
Thanks for the help. Too bad it's difficult to find appliances of equivalent quality and price in China otherwise these questions would be unnecessary.