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Page 34 of 51
what would be most important in developing the Chinese character at Tang Dy...
Jan. 26, 2011 00:35 - Dave from USA
we need achevements for shang dynasty..?
Jan. 26, 2011 00:30 - jessy from USA
What were three types of jobs you could apply for in Ming Dynasty if you we...
Jan. 25, 2011 20:41 - Janie from USAW
Why is there really 2 parts of the Han dynasty and teachers only tell us th...
Jan. 24, 2011 20:21 - Devin Ford from U.S.A.
last ruler of the shang dynasty
Jan. 24, 2011 19:43 - Matt Payne from USA
what were the economy like in the Yuan Dynasty
Jan. 23, 2011 01:13 - abc from USA
this is a good web site
Jan. 20, 2011 23:31 - odie from USA
i need to know information on wars and rulers of the tang dynasty
Jan. 19, 2011 22:10 - caly from united states
what did they achieve
Jan. 19, 2011 19:47 - Finn from U.S.A
other sites told me that there is only 2 emperors during the sui dynasty
Jan. 18, 2011 22:27 - Brian from USA
who was the empepor in 200 b.c.
Jan. 17, 2011 19:56 - howw from Thailand
so did the xia dynasty start in about 2100 b.c. thru 1600 b.c. or whatt???
Jan. 14, 2011 21:41 - gabbiiiii
What were the different social classes of the Min dynasty????????????
Jan. 14, 2011 21:39 - kewlcid from usA
What types of jobs were available for citizens during the Ming dynasty? and...
Jan. 14, 2011 21:38 - Pierce
How was the Tang Dynasty Formed
Jan. 14, 2011 21:32 - clayton from USA
Which type Buddhist were the song, Han, Southern, or Tibetan?????
Jan. 13, 2011 22:49 - joyce from United States
I have a picture of Chi Yi Gong. Most of us believe he was a prince of Qin...
Jan. 12, 2011 21:24 - Assadarng from Thailand
Were buddhists persecuted toward the end of the empire? Did the government ...
Jan. 10, 2011 21:45 - B from USA
I believe, if I'm not mistaken they also created a weapon called "nest of b...
Jan. 10, 2011 17:05 - Thompson from (USA
who were some emperors of the Yuan Dynasty?
Jan. 09, 2011 20:59 - Joe from USA
I need to know about han wudi's early life for a school project any sugesti...
Jan. 08, 2011 02:46 - Brittany from USA
how did the tang dynasty change the world?
Jan. 08, 2011 02:13 - Briana from U.S.A.
I'm doing a project on the Qin dynasty. Can you please explain the levels o...
Jan. 07, 2011 23:48 - Gina from united states
What is the meaning behind oracle bones?
Jan. 06, 2011 20:33 - akshay from USA
i am doing a powerpoint on the Han Dynasty and really need help...can someo...
Jan. 05, 2011 22:56 - Lyric from America
Does anyone here have a Zhou dynasty timeline?
Jan. 05, 2011 22:44 - Smith from Canada
what the capital
Jan. 01, 2011 20:07 - ramirez from USA
what would you say about the people lives and jobs in each dynasty?
Dec. 28, 2010 21:20 - keara from america
How old will she be if she is alive today?Which particular month(English ca...
Dec. 28, 2010 01:42 - HU from spore
I have read, in Hebrew translation, the book "The last emperor", in which t...
Dec. 26, 2010 02:01 - DLEVANON from Israel
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